Welcome Post

Welcome to my blog talking about CyberAttacks!

Im Abdulaziz Owair, A student in DMU majoring in CyberSecurity. In the current digital era, it is crucial to protect our online identity. People must educate themselves in order to safeguard their online identity , data , and privacy in light of the growing frequency of cyber threats and online vulnerabilities.

Im very interested in dinosaur's ,

 history and real life 

and virtual security.

I've read a ton of material regarding artificial intelligence from a variety of sources, and while it can be beneficial, it can also be destructive to humans. For this reason, I'm curious about how IT will impact people in the future. One of the biggest issues facing AI is its potential to displace people in a range of professional capacities. The increasing usage of artificial intelligence (AI) raises concerns about job displacement, unemployment, and the possibility of worsening economic inequality despite the technology's many benefits, which include increased precision, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

Refrences: Source of AI facts
                   AI image
                   Dinosaur Image
                   Welcome Post Image


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